UC experts Academy - Snom DECT training - April 6th 2021

8 mars 2021

Virtual Snom DECT Training

Organized by UC Experts and Snom, this one-day DECT training is intended for VoIP-engineers who want to broaden their DECT skills.  The aim of this training is to better understand a MultiCell DECT setup and learn how to perform a DECT site survey. The virtual trainig is given by one of Snom's leading DECT engineers in an interactive, hands-on way.

Training schedule

■ 09.30: DECT basics
■ 09.45: DECT System configuration, web interface
■ 10.45: Coffee Break
■ 11.15: DECT multicell, introduction and basics
■ 12.45: Lunch break
■ 13.45: Snom’s DECT portfolio
■ 14.00: DECT system installation, Site Survey
■ 15:00: Coffee Break
■ 15.30: DECT System configuration, provisioning
■ 16.00: DECT System configuration, troubleshooting
■ 16.15: Demo and live Q&A session
■ 17.00: End of training


Because the training is given in an interactive way, UC Experts will provide you with a DECT kit (M900 DECT base and an M70 DECT handset). The DECT kit will be charged € 275,00 including delivery charges (regular UC Experts buying price: € 369,00).

For demo -or reselling purposes, the DECT kit will remain your property after the training!

Seats are limited, subscribe now using the subscribe button below
